Tutorial: Laravel: Building APIs Like a Pro
APIs are quickly becoming one of the primary tools developers will work on and build. Whether it's an API to power a JavaScript desktop front-end or a mobile app, or to be used by your customers to make the next awesome third party integration, APIs aren't just a tool for the big players in development spaces. They are for everyone and anyone. Together we'll learn how to build an API in Laravel, from the simple and basic, BREAD interface to some more complex interfaces as well as building an OAuth login and authentication system for your API.

Justin Yost (@justinyost)
Justin is a Senior Software Engineer with Wirecutter working on building out a REST API and client app that powers the product database. Justin relishes programming, learning more about everything and anything, teaching and dislikes the Oxford comma. He is a course author for LinkedIn Learning covering topics such as; PHP, CakePHP, Ember.js, Unit Testing and REST APIs and gives talks regularly at the local PHP Meetup. In what time is left over from all that, he backpacks on occasion and enjoys a good book.